Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hubby Info...
What is his name? Vernon Lee How long did you date? 3 years. How long have you been married? 31 1.2 years Who eats more sweets? He does. Who said I love you first? He did. ... .Who is taller?.. He is.....Who is a better singer? Umm, I think we're about the same.....Who is smarter?.... Depends on the subject.....Who does the laundry? Me. All of it.....Who pays the bills?.He does... Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?... I do .... Who mows the lawn? which lawn as in which acre..which flat area or which ditch..sigh ...I take the flats...Who cooks dinner?.... usually me but he makes a mean omelet and pancakes and grilled meats...... Who drives? we both do until one of us gets tired then we trade off.....Who is more stubborn? Me.....Who kissed who first?... He kissed me first. ....Who asked who out?..... He asked me....I was 14 1/2 and he was 19 1/2..... Who is more sensitive?.... Me.......Who wears the pants? I think it's a mutual thing we know each others buttons quite well. We are both capable of major decisions by now.

New baby Cole and Donuts with DAD

I got to experience the miracle of birth and saw Cole work his way into the world. Thanks Shannon and Evan..a miracle.
He was born at 10:22 pm sunday August 24th 2008. weighed in at 8# 3oz. 20 3/4 inches.
Ten little fingers and ten little toes.

This was when he was 5 days old outside enjoying the weather.

Nolan took many times out to check on his baby brother.

Gpa and Cole outside on sat. aft.

Gma and the 3 kids. Quite a job to get all 3 in one spot and to pose..haha..Avrie 2, Nolan 4 holding Cole 5 1/2 days.

While spending part of a week at the Anderson household..Saturday came and DAD was home and it sometimes is donuts with dad bkfast..Even get to go along to pick them out. YUMMY.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hoppy day.

Nolan, gma wanted to bring this grand sized toad up to your place but papa insisted he stay on the farm..He is HUGE

Grandchild # 5.

Baby boy Anderson arrived. 8/24/08. 10:22 pm Will leave the stats up to the proud parents.

Avrie was there awaiting her new baby brother but fell asleep with her brownie and blackie and missed out on seeing him.

Gma Char and I got some time snapping pics while they were working with his mommy

Nolan checking out his lil brothers tiny feet. This is about 35 mins after birth.

Checking him out..

The lil man was already chomping on his arm. A go getter.

He has full lips. Got a squashed lil nose in delivery. All went well.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sweetcorn daze

Wyatt helping get the husks and silks off
Papa and boys husking. Preparing for winter eating. Oh and the back end of sadie. She enjoyed some young ears.

corny times

Wyatt in the sweetcorn patch..Where are you papa???
A tired,sweaty,hot boy.

Caught Tanner helping himself to college cheese..cottage.

Gr Gma Carol cutting with 2 still boys. How did that happen?

Great Gpa Jack cutting. Had them working while i took pics..

Hubby running the outdoors process of blanching the ears amidst the toys. A slick way to do corn which we will repeat. OUTSIDE. worked especially well to cool the eats in the coolers with cold well water running over it..and watered the sod at the same time.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pantry unit..5 large pullout shelves.

This is at the south end of the refrig 2 shelves will be open..doors will be on the rest.

Refrigerator area. Doors coming across top yet. and crown moulding.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I am LEARNING how to paint.

Some things about us are best kept hidden in the closet!! Maybe closets are a good place to learn but they are tight places to turn around without getting into the paint now and then.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

13th wed. and not friday the 13th

What a day. Pool guy here to detect leaks in a leaking pool. 2 hours. aha..detect a soggy wall and find 3 leaks. probly from when Brandy went swimming a month ago.. Brandy is not our dog. I like her but her days here are going to be on a chain or not out of sight. I left her tied and went to do some errands. Returned to an untied dog doing laps in the pool today..AFTER the pool guy had patched. I LEFT HER TIED when I left. Call to the other person who lives here...ummohhuummmaaahhhh...I pulled her out of the pool..60 pounds of lab. Marched her over to where her chain is and talked to her meanly and have not inspected the pool..I do not want to...sigh..wahhhhh..

The one crew member siding house today got stung by a bee and needed to leave.. I do hope he is alive..he was rather swelling up him on the upper lip but both lips were puffy. YIKES

Computer man was here today also..earlier hail damage on the long as they are residing they put in new cable now to go under the siding..he was here 3 hours.

and some things about us we keep hidden in the closet from others...haha

OH NO I was going to download a couple of pics to show what i keep hidden..and no removeable disk E to get them..
Computer guy ..whyyyyy me????? today???

well if the other person who lives here can help me out I will do another post after this.
Meanwhile as I write this I can feel my blood pressure slowing down a little...but the sky is nasty dark and sky is grumbling and I hate storms and sure hope if it gets here it does no DAMAGES. and I hope the dog who is tied to the clothes line doesn't get hammered by hail.

49th anti aging botanicals

Shannon got her mom some anti aging botanticals and miss happy pants bath salts this year. The bottle is still full . wonder if I can get refills if it works.? sure feel older than I did in June!
Many changes on the remodeling progress. New siding is currently being installed ..part time electrician Vernon has put some exterior lights on.
Kitchen uppers are in minus the doors. Wood work is ready to go up as well as new doors Laundry room is in the process of being painted. Thanks to my dad! I will attempt this closet as I can close the doors to hide that..but who ever heard of an empty closet really.
We have a leak in the swimming pool and cannot seem to find where it is so the pros are coming to check that out sometime today too.
$$$TOO MUCH$$$ being used this summer. But ya do what ya gotta do sometimes.
Went on a 4wheeler ride lastnight and we saw deer deer and more deer..and mucho evidence of the out corn rows chomped off. well well as 15 in a bean field chomping away. when prices are up you dont wanna do the math of those losses.

Avrie is TWO.. MEOW

The big guys had fun with a BIG BUBBLE toy.

Alan holding his cousins 3rd child. Brendon Ty Mote. 4 weeks.

Tanner and Gpa watching the bubbles.