Us with the 3 Anderson grands.

Papa and his boys.

They have such intelligent conversations.

We went to Lorene and Vernons to bring mom back ..HOME.. Barely got supper out of the way and Lorene said I have lefse stirred up ready to roll. Vernon had a bad experience a few days prior so this time he got to do the rolling..and all went well. I see he still has on his sunday duds...haha..

He likes to see just how round and big he can go.. They were very thin,tender and oh just right!

Had hardly gotten the board off the counter as you can see and we were already devouring them..way to go gma!!!!
thats cute..len and i enjoyed making lefsa at mom and dads last year:)
Great pictures! That one of Cole is just darling! I like the one of mom too.
love it! my g'ma used to make us lefsa... I sure miss that! OF COURSE I could make my own but there's nothing like someone else making it for you... specially g'ma! glad to hear you all made it there and back safely!
Roy and Zack each enjoyed a piece too! This morning it is all gone. The fudge is all gone too. we got such a kick out of mom, she would be wandering around and the next thing she'd be over in the corner cutting another piece of fudge to have with her coffee or hot water!
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