Oh what fun the big boy has with big toys. Feeling sad the grandkids are not around to play too.

Wyatt would be thrilled to be right out there with his own diggers.

My Mr. rented an earth mover/scraper whatever to play in the dirt. Son has a pond that has been dry this summer so we are making use of the wonderful black topsoil that has washed into it over the years. Not sure how many loads he has brought up to the yard but he has been busy busy..for HOURS. We have need for some around the foundation of our house... so that kills my flowerbeds there..which were maybe more weeds than flowers anyway. And I can dream all winter about the future plans of landscaping around the house. maybe.
He also has taken out a grove of pines which were planted on the farm when the family moved up her in 1958 so now have lots of topsoil where they used to be and one day we will plant something...not too much grass hon...please! we mow mow mow...tooooooo much already.