Thursday, January 31, 2008

3 grandsons discussing something by the 18-wheeler.

Vernon assisting Kaylee with her first piece.

Vernon and sister Lorene attempting lefse.

Grandpa and Grandmas cubs

After we had hung our Grandpa and Grandmas lil cubs sign we were told we had hung it too low. We said we could change it easily and we will come fall. I think with the current available amount of siding we can squeeze in 2 or 3 that enough kids??We love them all!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Grandma's shoveling helpers.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Our title

I am a mother of two.
Grandmother of 4 going on 5.
Wife of one.
Married almost 31 years which has gone entirely too fast.
Sadie is our one eyed yellow lab dog of 9 or 10 years. I loose track.
She came with no parts missing but acquired an accident of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The yowly cat was inherited from a daughter who decided a better place for him would be in the wide open country vs lining her home with black fur. He has did well at being an outsider. He is very vocal and declawed.
One rooster.. hmmmm He has been around since oldest child had hens and decided to go inot a lil business so got a couple roosters.. all others are long gone but one rooster who somehow survives all on his own. Time frame of this rooster has to be at least 9-10 years.
I used to drive the combine during harvest. Then got promoted to grandchild care and my job went to son.
Some days I think I must have gotten demoted.
But all days cannot be sunshiney..gotta have a lil rain sometime in life.


January 24, 2008

My very first attempt at blogging.
I am totally scared sitting here so clueless. Nobodies shoulder to look over to see how to do it...
Oh dear..I cannot do this..I will definitely wait until I have some walk through HELP.
Can you tell I am a follower and not a take the lead type person?